miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Hello, today i’m going to talk about my personal ambition. I would like to travel around the world, but the country that I would like to visit is Italy, in Europe. I think that this country is magic, because the place are very beatiful and there are very interesting people.

I think all cultures and societies are something special.  All have something to give and teach you, that's the best about travelling, meet different people, see new places is enriching for the soul.
The most important inspiration to travel is the promise I made to my boyfriend before he left. He wanted  to know the world, and in your name i will travel. I wish to travel with him, but failed. I can only keep my word.

I would fulfill my ambitition because it is a personal promise I made with my boyfriend. He said that the most beautiful of living was to travel, see new places and fall in love with the little things that gives us life. And when i will visit other cpuntry i will be very happy for me and for my boyfriend.

1 comentario:

  1. it`s a great ambition, I like Italy too, because there are a lot of places to visit,with so many history. Europe in general is great because the places are near. I don`t know jasjajs i imagine this jajsas
