Hello everybody, today i’m going to talk about the topic tan i choose for the next week. I choose Michael Foucoult. He is a philosopher, historian of ideas, social theorist, and literary critic.
He was born on October 1926, in France. He was the second of three children, of a traditional conservative family. Is known for his critical studies of social institutions, the psychiatry medicine, the human sciences, the prisión system. His analysis of power and the relation between power, knowledge and discourse have been widely debated.
I choose this person because i think that his work is amazing. His theories about the power relation about the society are strong in the present, despite the years pass, the problems are similar. And don’t talk about the governamental power , there are power relation between men and woman, between teachers and students, between neighbors, family and others. And I think is important take conscience about this.
The principal element that i will include is more information about his life and about his work in the power relation.